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20 skull day of the dead halloween party napkins

Halloween paper napkins measure 6.5" X 6.5"

Disposable napkins are made with absorbent 2-ply paper

Great for a day of the dead party or kids halloween party

Combine with other day of the dead halloween party supplies from our store

Skull Day of the Dead Halloween Party Napkins, 77062

kr 59,00Pris
    Arti Læll
    Tiller Torget
    Ivar Lykkes vei 3
    7075 Tiller

    Tlf 481 54 722

    Man-fred 10-20
    Lørdag 10-18
    Arti Læll
    Nordre Gate 11
    7011 Trondheim
    Tlf 948 99 768

    Man-fred 10-18
    Lørdag 10-18
    Arti Læll
    Lade Arena 1
    Haakon VII gt 12
    7041 Trondheim
    Tlf 915 81 605

    Man-fred 10-20
    Lørdag 10-18
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